while doing a recording at radio riga i found lots of old radio stuff in a rubbish outside...
me and siim built a whole collection of characters tributing to + bringing alive the old intelligent equipment that once played the main role of recording-processes now brain-dead + useless. by doing a little scenery we give a witty comment on the history of the technical side of recording. what a beautiful material worth nothing in the end. while siim did amazing constructions of djs, racing cars etc. i focused on sentimental drawing + building relations. konrad behr contibuting some clicks + bits-sound dramatizing the scene...

elffriede elffriede

elffriede elffriede elffriede

elffriede elffriede elffriede

elffriede elffriede elffriede

elffriede elffriede elffriede

just in case a lot of "intellicence" crosses your mind ...

elffriede elffriede elffriede

elffriede elffriede elffriede elffriede

elffriede elffriede elffriede


... as long as your "intellicence" is neither manipulated nor under pressure* take it easy

or put it in a box ...


or do an installation ...


work: siim tiirik + elffriede

thanks to radio riga

elffriede.aufzeichnensysteme / 2012